Quantum Microgreens

Started in late 2016 when Melissa decided to dive into her dream job: hands dirty, outdoors, healthy and delicious food, locally grown food, and a whole lot less conflict than her previous job. Her husband Taylor believed in her vision and passion, and the two of them jumped in. Melissa u-turned from practicing special education law, and Quantum Microgreens was born.

Back in 2016, microgreens were thought of as just a garnish for fine dining restaurant meals. Quantum Microgreens aimed to change that perception. Melissa and Taylor dreamt of bringing microgreens to the average eater. Over five years later, they are still striving to grow the best microgreens using sunlight, seeds, and water.

They also do workshops and classes to teach folks how to grow and use microgreens, and developed a Grow Your Own Microgreens Kits to get more people connected to their food.



Papa Joe Farm


Ranchito Milkyway